The Perfect Storm (Part Four)

Consumerism.   The Role of The Consumer in Healthcare     Historically the role of the consumer in health care has been one of a passive participant.  This passive participation was caused by the fact that the doctor was rarely questioned or challenged by the patient, there was limited access to information outside of the…

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The Perfect Storm (Part Three)

Post Covid-19 – The Business Response.   In the months of March and April over 36 million American’s filed for unemployment.  That means in just two months our economy went from having very little unemployment to the highest unemployment rate since the great depression of the 1930s.  Most economists project that before this crisis is…

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The Perfect Storm (Part Two)

It can be hard to imagine a world without Covid-19 but it will happen.  At some point we are going to develop a vaccine and/or more effective treatments for this virus.  We are going to come out of our houses and return to work.  When this happens the world is going to try and recover…

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The Perfect Economic Storm

This is the first of a series of pod casts that will take a serious look at the economic damage from Covid-19, what a post Covid world may look like and how it will impact various segments of the health care industry.  At the end of this series I will share a number of strategies…

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